Continue the chain and you may see the grass glow instead of shaking. As you battle the Pokémon and your chain increases, the chances of seeing a Shiny Pokémon also increases up until you're on the 40th chain where it levels out. This method has you carry on a chain on the PokéRadar within Diamond, Pearl, Platinum, X & Y. The second method of obtaining shiny Pokémon is through the method called "chaining". Generation VI has increased the likelihood even further thanks to the decrease in standard shiny rate, being 1 in 682.7. However, in Generation V, it is boosted even further from 1 in 8,192 to 1 in 1,365.3. This will lower the chances of hatching a shiny Pokémon from 1 in 8,192 to 1 in 2,048 cutting it by 75% in Generation IV. However, one of the Pokémon must be of a different nationality than your game (such as a Japanese Pokémon on an English game). First is a method commonly known as the Masuda Method, named after the game developer and the person who revealed it Junichi Masuda. In the fourth generation, a variety of things have changed in order to allow for the obtaining of Shiny Pokémon. As of Pokémon X & Y, it is a 1 in 4,096 chance of finding a shiny Pokémon. They used to have set IV's in the Metal generation where it had 0 HP IVs, random Attack IVs and IVs of 10 in Defense, Speed, Special Attack and Special Defense, but since then and until XY, it has been based upon the hidden PID of the Pokémon. Shiny Pokémon are always going to end up with the same odds of good stats as normal Pokémon. Now you'd think with a Pokémon this rare, it has to have good Individual Values and such. This rate has been altered as of Pokémon X & Pokémon Y to make Shiny Pokémon more common. Now the bad thing is that the odds of finding a shiny Pokémon in the wild are 1 in 8,192 battles.all the time, meaning after 8,191 battles it'll still be 1 in 8,192 and not a dead cert that you will get one i.e. Basically, like I said, it revolves around how lucky you are. People have said that you can also meet a shiny when in your first battle against the wild Poochyena and Wally's Ralts as well. Needless to say, you wont be very lucky if a shiny ends up there. You can find shiny Pokémon in the wild, in eggs, and in the battle tower, which is basically everyplace you can catch a Pokémon save for the Battle Tower in which you won't be able to catch the shinys there. It depends on very, very good luck to get a shiny Pokémon. Not very many people even have a shiny Pokémon to begin with. As you can imagine, these occurences are very, very rare. The Torchic you may have obtained from Professor Birch may be a lighter colored orange and you may think the game is glitched up, but it isn't. An example of that could be a Metagross with a silver coating and a golden X on it, a dark green Zubat, or a black Rayquaza. Pokémon that are different colors than normally seen with. You have probably heard or seen a picture of them. Black: Victini & ReshiramWhite: Victini & Zekrom.Pokémon Ranger & The Temple of the Sea!.Mystery Dungeon - Explorers of Time & Darkness.

Mystery Dungeon: Blazing, Stormy & Light Adventure Squad.Pokémon Battle TrozeiPokémon Link: Battle.